san salvador, national theater
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monument to memory and truth
national palace, san salvador

Palacio Nacional
   (National Palace)
Teatro Nacional
   (National Theater)
Teatro Presidente
Monumento a la
      Memoria y la Verdad
        (Monument to Memory & Truth)
Metropolitan Cathedral
Iglesia El Rosario
       (Church of the Rosary)
san salvador, national theater
Teatro Nacional-Calle Delgado

The National theater was built in 1917 and has gone through many transformations. Recently renovated to its original elegance, the theater offers a wide variety of performances. Check with your hotel  for current listings.
san salvador, presidential theater
san salvador, savior of the world
Teatro Presidente-Colonia San Benito near the MARTE museum

More modern in scope that the National Theater, the Presidential Theater conducts regular performances. The National Chorus of El Salvador has a website with upcoming events. Click on logo.

Monumento a la Memoria y la Verdad-Parque Cuscatlan
Hours: T-Sun. 6-6pm  Admission: free
This memorial is very similar to the Vietnam Memorial Wall. There are over 25,000 names inscribed whose lives perished during the war period spanning the 70's and 80's.  The wall is black granite and is almost 300 feet in length.

Monument inscription: "A space for hope, where we can continue dreaming and build a more just, human and equitable society"
san salvador, iglesia el rosario
san salvador, metropolitan cathedral
Catedral Metropolitana-Plaza Barrios (center of city)
Hours: 7-7pm

Fire destroyed the church in 1956 and renovation was only completed 8 years ago. Below the main floor is the tomb of Archbiship Oscar Romero which draws a regular crowd of visitors. The exterior of the church is painted by Fernando Llort, famous for his colorful paintings. If you like the mural, then head to the town of La Palma where this style of folk art is available in a much smaller size that will fit in your suitcase!
Iglesia El Rosario- 4 Calle Ote 23
Hours: 6-12 & 2-7pm   Admission: free   
This church is a welcome surprise in a country typical of colonial architecture. Hardly worth a second look from the outside, the interior is a rainbow of colored glass that reaches to the ceiling in a graceful arch. Modern metal sculptures set against brick walls make this church unique.
Palacio Nacional-Calle Ruben Dario at Av. Cuscatlan
Hours: T-Sat. 8-5pm

Built in 1905 in the classical style with Italian marble, the palace suffered from a disasterous earthquake and fire in 1986 which forced the relocation of government headquarters. The palace contains four main halls with ornate decorative motifs inside.
Monumento al
Salvador del Mundo
(Savior of the World)
National palace