Gateway El Salvador
Gateway El Salvador
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La Panetiere

El Paseo
Centro Comercial El Paseo,
Locales 34 y 35,
Paseo Gral. Escalón y 77 Av. Sur.
San Salvador,
Tel: (503)2264-7705 or 2264-4651

Centro Comercial Galerías,
Comercio Uno, Módulo #2,
Paseo Gral. Escalón #3700
San Salvador,
Tel: (503)2298-2623

Las Azaleas
Centro Comercial Las Azaleas,
Calle y Col. La Mascota,
Av. Las Azaleas. Locales 5 y 7.
San Salvador,
Tel: (503)2263-6632 or 2263-7831

Centro Comercial Multiplaza,
Nivel Plaza, Local A-2.
San Salvador
Tel: (503)2243-8633 or 2243-8763

San Benito
Av. La Reforma #6, Plaza San Benito.
San Salvador,
Tel: (503)2223-3131

Plaza Villavicencio #6,
Paseo Gral. Escalón
San Salvador,
Tel: (503)2263-9871 or 2263-9872

Zona Rosa
Centro Comercial San Benito #1,
Blvd  del Hipódromo.
San Salvador,
Tel: (503)2245-4749 or 2223-6025

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La Panetiere
La Panetiere opened its doors in 1993 and has since grown to 8 locations. The bakery and cafe is well known for their dizzying array of pastries, cakes, cookies, and fresh baked bread.

They also serve French, Italian, and Salvadoran coffees. Order a cappucino, espresso, or latte.

The cafe offers breakfast, sandwiches, quiche, pizza, crepes, and salads. Free wireless internet for customers customers
of La Panetiere.
Visit La Panetiere's website for complete information:
Paseo Gral. Escalón
Centro Comercial Galerías