Gateway El Salvador
Customs, traditions, games, professions and facts of the national life are represented in the miniatures that the craftsmen of Ilobasco make. This work is exposed in the Room of the Miniature "Dominga Herrera" thanks to a project made by Iniciativa Pro Arte Popular (INAR).
This new space counts on a collection of than three thousand figures more miniaturized, in the sorts of pictures, surprises, processes, scenes, etc. The subjects that are approached are varied and surprises the novel vision with which they recreate each one of them.
"the long trajectory del mud work in Ilobasco, in addition to rich very fine mud deposits, makes think that the work us about mud ameritaba us to deliver an attack of investigation", affirms Madeleine Imberton, president of INAR, al to explain how the idea arose to undertake this project.

It also emphasizes the great creativity of the people who work the mud and its permanent capacity of innovation. Thus, in the Room of the Miniature it is possible to be found thematic that it shows the style of life that took in El Salvador does 30 or 40 years, as well as present aspects like the migration from compatriots the United States. The project In order to found the Room of the Miniature an anthropological investigation was made to be able to work the museográfico script. The results included the harvesting of some old pieces in miniature and molds. The mud works from the pre-Columbian time and the miniatures begin with Dominga Herrera.

How it was happened to him to Doña Dominga to make miniatures? Madeleine explains that to this lady, originating of a family of potters, when was young was happened to him to make the small dolls like her. "She adopted the thematic one who became in doll a little greater, she adopted it to a minimum size", adds.

A second contribution of Dominga Herrera is the creation of the "surprise", that consists of already hiding in a world small still smaller other.
They participated in the creation of the room the Bottom Canada for Local Initiatives, Concultura, artists and craftsmen of Ilobasco, INAR and other collaborators. One worked close by very with the miniatureros artists and a study of market applied to this type of pieces was made. Part of the investigation was registered in a video, available for the visitors of the room.  The rooms "We knew the type of figures that they used and we were giving account that they were not very conscious of which they were able to do", the INAR president explains.
Thus, the "surprise" is a form for the craftsmen and in many occasions, through them count a history. Another form to present/display the miniatures is the picture, in where there is a great amount of figures miniaturized and acclimated to a specific subject. A wood platform of or mud is placed on.

In the Room of the Miniature there are different spaces. The route initiates with an introduction and sensibilización about the work that is exposed in the other areas.  In room 2 the historical, social context, the creative and productive processes is explained, in addition to miniatures and old dolls of mud. A room is also included where are to the works of the initiators and continuators of the tradition in the miniature. Thematic and the sorts are in room 4, with an ample organized exhibition around of diverse subjects treated by the artists.
Each one of the miniatures, or in "surprises", pictures, scenes and processes, recreates the daily life that surrounds to the artists. For example, they have known to reproduce main processions that are made in Easter, the visit of the Pope Juan Pablo II, the bath of Amapulapa, the main park of Ilobasco and others more.

In the "surprises" scenes like the marriage, the process of the maize or the mud are included, the game from a Salvadoran to the United States, etc. The artists of Ilobasco manage to reproduce the reality with much perfection and creativity, thus turning their work work true of art framed in a world miniature.

Days: Of Tuesday to Sunday
Hour: of 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. / Entrance: $1.50 general public/ $ 5 by service of guide by each group
Address: San Jose avenue #125 and Street Center America, San Salvador (flank the west of the park of Central America Colony).
The Reality in Miniatures
The work and the creativity of the craftsmen of Ilobasco are presented in the "Room of the Minatures."
El Diario de Hoy
"Sorpresas"/surprises of Ilobasco
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