Gateway El Salvador
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Nahuizalco is the first stop along the Ruta de las Flores. As you steadily climb and wind your way around the mountains, your first indication that you have arrived is the sight of furniture parked along the roadside.  It seems everyone in Nahuizalco is in the business of making furniture or weaving. It is a family owned endeavor handed down from one generation to the next.

As you slow down to look at the many styles, you will hear the sounds of saws, hammers, and sandpaper as each piece is carefully constructed and finished. The prices are unbelievably reasonable. Even the city dwellers drive here to have their furniture custom made. The workshops end as you enter town. There are several shops on the right-hand side of the main road that are bursting with furniture and basketry.  At the far end of town near the church, you will find CEDART. Cedart is administered by The Ministry of Economy to promote craftsmen in El Salvador. There are four different focus centers with Nahuizalco being one.
The Center has an excellent display of samples done by the local craftsmen. If you find something of interest, Mr. Melvin Santos who is coordinator of CEDART Nahuizalco can direct you to the specific artist.
Tel: 503-2453-1336
Cell: 503-7888-6372

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Gateway El
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